Call Girl Guided Meditations
3 x Guided Meditations
Visually walk you through senerios where you will discover all the hidden & unconscious secrets on how to manifest more money, access your billion dollar blueprint, and melt fat to be the & hottest, steamiest version of yourself:
1 - Your Richest & Hottest Self Meditation (28 mins)
fat codes - food codes - dream bank account
You Will Intuitively Access:
- the secret to your self sabotoge
- what youve been avoiding
- your intuitive food & workout for your hottest self
- financial intimacy & partner communication
- your steamiest savings, investments & taxes plan
-what's holding you back
-what's stored inside your fat cells & how to release them
- your most important steps today
2 . Your Billion Dollar Business Bueprint Meditation (30 mins)
fame & exosure - monetizing - your purpose
You Will Intuitively Access :
- the 3 main pillars to your success
- whats blocking your magic and gifts
-your strongest point of power & attraction
-what connects your clients to you
- massive exposure & recognition
- celebration blocks
-your mission , vision & strategy
- where you take people
3. Soul Sex Meditation (19 mins)
heart opening - your soulmate - masculine recieving
What You Will Intuitively Access:
-What your craving from men & money
- trust & receive from money & men
- be taken & devoured by your soulmate
- your hottest wardrobe & your dream date
- make your fantasy a reality
- position yourself for success & orgasms
- activate your sexual awakening
- increase your sex drive
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