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3 Ways to manifest your soulmate

Writer's picture: tashawalltashawall

Updated: Oct 5, 2024

Ok, so this is probably the most asked question I get: "When will I meet my soulmate? Where is my soulmate? What’s taking him so long? Where will I meet him? How will I meet him?" You know, all the usual soulmate stuff.

One of the coolest things I can do as a soul reader is connect with the souls of people in your life—your partners, the guys you’re dating, your kids, co-workers, clients—anyone. I can ask them questions and get answers for you. I can tell you how they feel about you or a certain situation, what might scare them away, what will bring them closer, and all that good stuff. Plus, I can teach you how to get those answers and messages yourself. You can book a private session with me here

Essentially, what I do is act as your connection to the people in your life. We all have connections to everyone on this planet, but things like insecurities, fears, hurt, trauma, pain, or even past arguments can clog those communication lines—whether you’ve met your soulmate or not. What I provide is a clear channel. I help you remove the blocks and decipher the difference between your fear and your intuition, so you can understand the true messages you’re meant to receive about your love life and recognize the little voice of self-sabotage.

OK so let's get to the point. What are 3 ways I can find my soulmate?

1 - Get clear on the lessons you no longer need & be willing to say no before the test drive

The loves and exes that came into our lives were there for a reason—growth, love, and change. When we break up or divorce someone, it's because what they were meant to teach us is no longer relevant to who we’ve become. You’ve clearly changed.

What we don’t want to do (and I see this happen a lot) is repeat the same problems with a different person, just in a new package, maybe a little milder. That happens when we cut the person out of our life, but don’t learn the lesson they brought.

So, what did you learn, and why do you no longer need that lesson? What will you do the next time you're tempted to fall back into the old cycle? What action will you take differently? Do you really need to “try the product” to be sure? Can you say no without a test drive? That's the real answer. Be willing to try something new.

If you’re someone who knows you’re stuck in the same cycle on repeat and know you should stop—but for some reason, you just can’t—this means you need to heal it from your body so your mind can finally make a different choice. This is beyond rational thinking, and that’s where I come in.

I’ll teach you how to move past your mind when it’s working against you and how to use your body as a tool for breakthrough. This is when you'll start experiencing mind-blowing changes in your life. Like, out of nowhere, things will just fucking CHANGE—and you’ll be amazed at how easy it actually is. I teach you exactly how to do this in my heal men and money program.

2- Learn how to break through using your body.

You know that feeling when you're just mentally stuck—confused, unable to make decisions, or dealing with brain fog? Or when you know what you want but don’t believe you can actually get it? That’s a sign you need to move beyond the logic of your brain and tap into your soul for answers—into your feelings.

A thought doesn’t mean much until it sparks a feeling inside you. If you can’t connect to love or the energy you want to bring into your life on an emotional level, you won’t be able to manifest it into a physical level because it remains just a thought or idea, making it seem unattainable or unreal.

A great way to start is by connecting with your body in a positive way, which will shift your energy and vibration. The more you love yourself, the more you’ll attract someone who also loves you. You can do this through simple acts like taking a bath, rubbing lotion on your skin, dancing, giving yourself an orgasm (or two or three), exercising—anything that makes you feel good. This helps you move past insecurities, worries, avoidance, and fear, and puts you into a higher vibe of feeling good

What I do with my clients, is I help them access the feeling of their soulmate through channeling. I will trach you how to connect with them and bring them closer, drawing them into your life. The only thing that is in the way of you and them meeting now, is that your energy isn't matching them yet. So that is what we do together, is we make your energy a match for love. But not just any love, the love of your life. You can book a session with me here

3- Stay open and get clear on core values

I don’t believe in having an insane list of hundreds of requirements for a partner. At the end of the day, if someone checks off every box on your list, what does that really do for you? However, I do believe in knowing your non-negotiables and understanding your core values, then finding someone who aligns with those. That’s what has kept my 17-year marriage strong.

There will be challenging phases, and if I’m being honest, sometimes those phases can last a year. There are tough moments and hard years, but if you both share the same end goal, you’ll make it through together.

People change, which is another reason why a rigid list doesn’t always serve you as you think it will. Someone might have qualities on your list that you love when you first meet, but those qualities can change over the years. You might even surprise yourself and realize that what once felt crucial becomes less important as time goes on.

So, stay open and ask yourself: what qualities are just keeping you feeling in control, and what are your actual non-negotiables? Are you undershooting or making it impossible for someone to enter your life by having too many specific requirements for what you think you need to be happy?

Remember, whatever you’re craving from a partner is something you also need to give yourself. It’s perfectly okay to have needs, but just make sure those needs aren’t the end-all-be-all.

Really, all you actually need is someone who makes you happy both in the short term and the long term. If you focus on that, you’ll attract exactly what you might not have even realized you needed.

So how do you know what you need if you don’t even realize you need it? LOL! You focus on the feeling, because that matters more than your mind and logic. I also have a specific method I developed while upleveling my own marriage. It’s a spiritual approach taught in my heal men and money masterclass

I use this method and spiritual healing tools to get out of my head and into my body, and I teach my clients how to do the same to transform their entire lives. It's the method that upleveled my marriage, kick started my sex drive and also helped us to stop having blow up fights and brought us together as 2 souls into one.

Everything—from money to relationships—will start to shift before your very eyes as you learn to bypass the sabotage of your mind and connect to what truly matters. You’ll experience better communication, improved orgasms, more foreplay, a heightened sex drive, and a happier everyday life. You’ll really start to see the connection between what you need from a partner and what you need from life, money, work, and all the things. You'll have conversations that actually go somewhere instead of into circles and the same repeated patterns.

This is the missing puzzle piece to finding happiness across the board, so you don’t have to struggle so hard in love or life. This program heal men and money masterclass is a game changer.

If you loved this blog, you would also love to check out my book "Spiritual Hotness" on Amazon


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