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The time I lifted my mom titties & my journey through breast lifts and implants

Writer's picture: tashawalltashawall

Updated: Feb 18, 2024

So for those of you who don't know, I had a breast lift (along with the tiniest implant that there ever was) done about 4 years ago. Maybe it was 5 years now; I can't really remember. I share in a lot of detail what it was all like in my book which will be coming out soon, but I'd like to share my top tips from what I learned through my breast lift and implant process. For my own personal boob goals, I wanted to just have my regular same boobs back but without the beaver tail look and flat cleavage. lol! I actually really badly wanted to avoid having an implant in at all, but unfortunately my skin was so thin that it would not have held, and the surgeon told me that they would sag back down within a year so I did have to get a tiny implant in, and I am glad I did as far as getting what I wanted for my side boob and fullness on the top.


Why do you want the implants? Are you getting them for the right reasons? Have you worked on healing everything inside of you that causes you to be insecure first ? This is such an important factor because surgery is never the answer to something deeper and I always say that I got my implants because I'm vain, not because I'm insecure. I had no problem flaunting my saggy boobs and popping my OG titties, I just found it annoying to constantly have to work with I got. I wanted to have EXACTLY what I wanted! I actually have an entire psychic practice I do before any procedure and I do it with my clients as well. You can book one of my private readings and I will help you spiritually prep here !!!!


Do your research and don't rush into any decisions. Get referrals, look at the surgeon's before and after pics of that specific surgery and be realistic about your current body frame and what will look good on it. Bring reference pics of what you want and see how the consult goes if you vibe with the surgeon or not.


Before the surgery, prep your body by getting into the best possible shape you can. If you've had weight loss, make sure you've maintained that body for at least a year. If you're going to be cutting your body, you want to be stable and sure that this is your ultimate way to go in.


Book enough time for aftercare and time off. I recommend at least 3 days where you don't have kids or anything around you, and I myself booked a private nurse. As far as how and when to work out after, take it easy and do NOT push it, it will never be worth it. There are so many women who have popped their implants out of socket after jumping into the gym too fast. Start by adding in walking, then add in some light weights in the bottom half of your body. I would say that I didn't do any chest workouts for at least a year even, but I did work out the rest of my body. I think you could go back to work by 7-10 days if your not doing anything crazy.


Make sure you're certain about your views on breast implant illness. Read into it and decide what your feelings are on that. Again, I go deep into breast implant illness and how to heal it naturally in my book (get it here) Spiritual Hotness - A Celebrity Psychic's Guide To Becoming Unfckwithable. I personally don't believe in it; there are so many other obstacles that contribute to the way women are feeling, that implants can be one of them, but it's not JUST that. It's a sign that your entire body's ecosystem is off, and that you need to get back onto the same page as your hormones, and many other things. It's actually not just as simple as having another surgery to remove your implants (although sometimes that is the next step depending on your scenario) Each and ever person is different and if you do have implants and you suspect you have breast implant illness, (I thought I had it too) I can teach you how to heal it naturally, you can book one of my private healing sessions here I can also teach you how to energetically heal and balance your hormones and decipher what your body is telling you if it's acting weird, gaining weight, having pain, getting tired or whatever else it is. There is ALWAYS an answer. There's also always a practical and a spiritual reason for everything that we feel and it's important to know both.


A lot of people skip this step, and it's so important. During the consult, you can talk to the doctor about if you want your areola to be smaller. I did get mine a bit smaller, and he can do whatever size you want but you want them to match the size of your breasts too. Make sure that he doesn't sew them back on upside down either lol.



As you can see, I have a an "anchor" scar which goes down the front of my titty. If you are getting a lift, there is no way around it and you will need to have that scar. I was not going bigger, so I had to get a lift. If you are going bigger, sometimes you can avoid the lift because you're filling the loose skin with an implant. After 5 years, I would say that my scar is 80% lighter then in this photo, but I can still notice it when I look in the mirror. It doesn't bother me honestly, and I know you can get laser treatments done and everything to lighten them, I've just been too lazy to care.

I am also 1/2 asian, so I actually scar darker, which is a genetic thing for asians, we will go more purple with our scaring. I did hold off on my lift for a long time because of the scar, but eventually it became worth it to have the shape and be able to wear any top I want without worrying about my flapper sag. lol.

So overall what I want to say is that hands down, I am SO happy with what I did and it was defenitaly worth it. I thought about it for at least 6 years before I went through with it and I think it was about 15k cnd, I can't remember really.

So anyways, I hope this was helpful and I just feel this amount of transparency is needed in the world! I do not feel weird about sharing it at all! I'm not even sure why I covered my nips in the photos lol !!

Love always, Tasha


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